IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • If a MAS terminates, but CPSM termination routines are not given
    a chance to clean up properly, the next run of the MAS may not
    be able to connect to the ESSS address space.
    Additional Symptom(s) Search Keyword(s):

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All CICSPlex SM V3R2M0 Users                 *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Unpredictable results may occur if a    *
    *                      MAS terminates as a CICS system but     *
    *                      does not disconnect from the ESSS.      *
    * RECOMMENDATION: After applying the PTF that resolves this    *
    *                 APAR, all CMASes, MASes and WUI servers must *
    *                 be restarted with the updated code.          *
    *                                                              *
    *                 The restarts need not be performed at the    *
    *                 same time, however if systems are not        *
    *                 restarted at the same time, the following    *
    *                 rules apply:                                 *
    *                                                              *
    *                 - Maintenance point CMASes must be restarted *
    *                   before non Maintenance point CMASes, MASes *
    *                   and WUI Servers.                           *
    *                                                              *
    *                   If you have more than one Maintenance      *
    *                   point CMAS and those Maintenance point     *
    *                   CMASes are connected directly or           *
    *                   indirectly, then these maintenance point   *
    *                   CMASes must be restarted at the same time. *
    *                                                              *
    *                 - Before a MAS or WUI server is restarted,   *
    *                   the CMAS to which the MAS or WUI server    *
    *                   connects must be restarted.                *
    *                                                              *
    *                                                              *
    *                 To restart with the updated code, the CPSM   *
    *                 Environment Service System Services (ESSS)   *
    *                 subsystem address space (EYUX320) must be    *
    *                 terminated and the CPSM EYUX subsystem End   *
    *                 of Task (EOT) exit (EYU9XEET) must be        *
    *                 reloaded on the MVS image if a CMAS has      *
    *                 executed without the updated code since the  *
    *                 last IPL.                                    *
    *                                                              *
    *                 This can be accomplished in either of two    *
    *                 ways:                                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                   1 - IPL the MVS Image.  This terminates    *
    *                       the ESSS and the EYUX subsystem.  When *
    *                       the first CMAS starts after the IPL,   *
    *                       the ESSS address space and the EYUX    *
    *                       subsystem will be started at the       *
    *                       proper level.                          *
    *                                                              *
    *                 Or:                                          *
    *                                                              *
    *                   2 - Stop all CMASes and MASes on an MVS    *
    *                       image.                                 *
    *                                                              *
    *                     - Use EYU9XENF to check that no address  *
    *                       spaces are connected to the ESSS       *
    *                       subsystem.                             *
    *                                                              *
    *                     - Use the EYU9XEUT TERMINATE function to *
    *                       stop the ESSS.                         *
    *                                                              *
    *                     - Use the EYU9XEUT RELOAD function with  *
    *                       the EOT option to reload EYU9XEET,     *
    *                       ensuring that UTILLIB specifies the    *
    *                       SEYUAUTH library updated by the PTF.   *
    *                                                              *
    *                     - Refresh LLA to ensure the updated      *
    *                       version of EYU9X320 is picked up.      *
    *                                                              *
    *                     - Restart any CMASes, MASes, and WUI     *
    *                       servers which execute on the MVS       *
    *                       image, ensuring that the updated       *
    *                       libraries are being picked up.  When   *
    *                       the first CMAS is started the ESSS     *
    *                       address space will be started at the   *
    *                       proper level.                          *
    *                                                              *
    *                 For details on EYU9XENF and the EYU9XEUT     *
    *                 TERMINATE and RELOAD functions, please refer *
    *                 to "CICS Transaction Server for z/OS         *
    *                 CICSPlex SM Problem Determination Guide      *
    *                 Version 3 Release 2" (GC34-6852).            *
    *                                                              *
    *                 Note that each MVS image can be updated      *
    *                 separately, and systems on an MVS image that *
    *                 have been updated can communicate with       *
    *                 systems on other MVS images that have not    *
    *                 been updated without problem.                *
    *                                                              *
    *                                                              *
    *                 Once a WUI server has been restarted, then   *
    *                 users of the CICSPlex SM supplied starter    *
    *                 set viewsets and menus must re-import the    *
    *                 updated starter set MAS viewset into the WUI *
    *                 server's repository in order to pick up the  *
    *                 changes.                                     *
    *                                                              *
    *                 The MAS viewset can be re-imported either    *
    *                 via the AUTOIMPORTDSN and AUTOIMPORTMEM WUI  *
    *                 server initialization parameters or the      *
    *                 IMPORT (from a dataset) function of the COVC *
    *                 WUI transaction.                             *
    *                                                              *
    *                 If COVC is used to re-import the viewset,    *
    *                 ensure that TYPE operand is set to ALL or    *
    *                 VIEWSET, and that the Import option is set   *
    *                 to OVERWRITE.                                *
    *                                                              *
    *                 For details on the AUTOIMPORTDSN and         *
    *                 AUTOIMPORTMEM WUI server initialization      *
    *                 parameters see 'Specify the Web User         *
    *                 Interface server initialization parameters'  *
    *                 in the "CICS Transaction Server for z/OS     *
    *                 Installation Guide Version 3 Release 2"      *
    *                 (GC34-6812).                                 *
    *                                                              *
    *                 For details on the COVC IMPORT function see  *
    *                 'The CICSPlex SM Web User Interface          *
    *                 transaction (COVC)' in the "CICS Transaction *
    *                 Server for z/OS CICSPlex SM Web User         *
    *                 Interface Guide Version 3 Release 2"         *
    *                 (SC34-6841).                                 *
    *                                                              *
    *                 The updated starter set MAS viewset name     *
    *                 that needs to be imported is:                *
    *                                                              *
    *                 ViewSet : EYUxA00D                           *
    *                                                              *
    *                 Replace x with the required language version *
    *                 to be imported: E - English, K - Japanese, S *
    *                 - Chinese.                                   *
    *                                                              *
    *                 Insure that the import references the        *
    *                 SEYUVIEW dataset that was updated by the PTF *
    *                 that resolves this APAR.                     *
    When a CPSM CMAS or MAS (including WUI servers) address space
    terminates abnormally without going through ESSS termination
    (e.g, CANCEL), the Subsystem Interface End of Task (EOT)
    processing will drive CPSM's EYUX subsystem router exit,
    EYU9XEER, to perform termination.  After verifying that the
    address space is still connected to the ESSS, EYU9XEER will pass
    control to the EYUX subsystem EOT module EYU9XEET, which will
    issue the ESSS terminate request. If the terminate request was
    successful, EYU9XEET will issue message EYUXE0003I.  Otherwise,
    it will issue message EYUXE0029E.  If the processing is not
    successful, this can result in the address space terminating but
    still being connected to the ESSS.  This can result in the
    errors documented above.
    Both EYU9XEER and EYU9XEET must obtain working storage to
    process.  If the address space termination was caused by short
    of storage related problems, it is entirely possible that either
    or both EYU9XEER and EYU9XEET will not be able to obtain the
    required storage, thus ensuring that the ESSS termination
    request will not be performed.  While EYU9XEER will issue
    message EYUXE0030E if it cannot obtain its working storage,
    EYU9XEET does not issue any message.

Problem conclusion

  • To address EYU9XEER and EYU9XEET not being able to run due to
    storage constraint in the address space at abnormal termination,
    CMAS and MAS ESSS connect processing has been updated to
    allocate working storage for both EYU9XEER and EYU9XEET.  If the
    address space goes through normal ESSS termination (address
    space termination or termination of the MAS agent in the MAS),
    ESSS termination processing will free the storage.  If the
    address space does not go through normal termination, EYU9XEER
    and EYU9XEET will be called and will use the pre-allocated
    storage.  When EYU9XEER and EYU9XEET complete processing, the
    TCB will terminate, and the pre-allocated storage will be freed
    at that time.
    The following updates have been made to effect this change:
    -  copybook EYURXECB, which is the ESSS anchor block for the
       system, has been updated to include fields to hold the
       address and length of the pre-allocated storage areas for
       EYU9XEER and EYU9XEET.
    -  copybooks EYURXEER and EYURXEET have been created to map the
       working storage areas for EYU9XEER and EYU9XEET.
    -  macro EYUQXESV, which is used to define and pass control to
       the ESSS PC routines common service subroutines, has been
       updated to define two new subroutines, ACQ_SSIDSA and
    -  copy book EYU2XERT, which is included in the assembly of the
       CPSM PC routines module EYUTXEPC, and which houses the common
       service subroutines for the PC routines, has been updated to
       include the new ACQ_SSIDSA and REL_SSIDSA subroutines:
       -  ACQ_SSIDSA will allocate the working storage for EYU9XEER
          and EYU9XEET, anchoring the storage in the EYURXECB.
       -  REL_SSIDSA will release the storage and clear the pointers
          in the EYURXECB.
    -  copy book EYU2XEEC, which is included in the assembly of the
       CPSM PC routines module EYUTXEPC, and which houses the ESSS
       connect processing, has been updated to call ACQ_SSIDSA when
       the connect request is for a CMAS or MAS.
    -  copy book EYU2XEET, which is included in the assembly of the
       CPSM PC routines module EYUTXEPC, and which houses the ESSS
       terminate processing, has been updated to call REL_SSIDSA
       when the terminate request is for a CMAS or MAS, and was not
       originated by EOT processing.
    -  module EYU9XEER has been updated to check the associated
       EYURXECB for a pre-allocated storage area if it is called
       for EOT of the QR TCB in a CMAS or MAS.  If the area is
       present and large enough, EYU9XEER will use the provided
       storage instead of allocating the storage itself.  On
       termination, EYU9XEER will not attempt to free the storage,
       as it will be freed when the QR TCB terminates.
    -  module EYU9XEET has been updated to check the associated
       EYURXECB for a pre-allocated storage area if it is called
       for EOT of the QR TCB in a CMAS or MAS. If the area is
       present and large enough, EYU9XEET will use the provided
       storage instead of allocating the storage itself.  On
       termination, EYU9XEET will not attempt to free the storage,
       as it will be freed when the QR TCB terminates.
       If no storage pointer is present in the EYURXECB or EYU9XEET
       cannot use the storage, or if the EOT call is not for the
       CMAS or MAS QR TCB, then EYU9XEET will allocate the storage
       itself.  If a failure occurs during the allocation attempt,
       EYU9XEET will now issue new message EYUXE0037E before
       terminating.  The text of this new message is as follows:
         EYUXE0037E  Insufficient storage for Subsystem function
                     End Of Task (EOT).
    To address a MAS terminating as a CICS system without
    disconnecting from the ESSS, a new action, FORCEDISCON, is being
    added to the MAS resource table.  Issuing the FORCEDISCON action
    against a MAS will cause the ESSS termination process to be
    driven for the MAS.  It is the intention that this action will
    only be issued if the MAS did terminate as a CICS system but is
    still connected to the ESSS.  If this command is issued for an
    active MAS, unpredictable results will occur, that will most
    likely make the MAS unusable as a CICS system.  To try to avoid
    this from occurring, a second new action, STOPUNCON, is also
    being added to the MAS resource table.  This action will process
    similar to STOP, in that it will stop the MAS agent in the MAS,
    which includes ESSS disconnect, without terminating the MAS as a
    CICS system.  STOPUNCON differs from STOP in two manners:
    1.  While the STOP action is issued synchronously, the STOPUNCON
        action is issued asynchronously.  This to ensure that the
        requester will not hang if the MAS is active and
        non-responsive or if the MAS terminated as a CICS system but
        is still connected to the ESSS.
    2.  While the STOP function will only terminate the MAS agent if
        the MAS is not a CPSM WLM routing region, the STOPUNCON will
        always terminate the MAS agent if the MAS is responsive.
    In order to issue the FORCEDISCON action, the STOPUNCON action
    must be issued first and not succeed in terminating the MAS
    The following updates have been made to effect this change:
    -  the Topology CICS System Descriptor Block (EYURTISD) has been
       updated to include a flag setting to indicate whether a
       STOPUNCON action has been issued for the current execution of
       the MAS.
    -  the MAS resource table has been updated to add the two new
       actions, STOPUNCON and FORCEDISCON.
    -  the WUI starter set MAS viewset, EYUEA00D (English), EYUKA00D
       (Japanese), EYUSA00D (simplified Chinese), has been updated
       to display action buttons for STOPUNCON and FORCEDISCON.  If
       either button is selected, a confirmation panel will be
       displayed for the selected action, and YES must be responded
       to process the action.
    -  method EYU0CPLM (CPLM), which is called to return information
       about a MAS, has been updated to provide a MAS's ASCB address
       if so requested.  The method argument list (MAL) for CPLM,
       EYUZCPLM, has been updated to allow a caller to request a
       MAS's ASCB address.
    -  method EYU0TSUM (TSUM), which is called to issue MAS
       action's, has been updated to issue the STOPUNCON and
       FORCEDISCON actions.  The MAL for TSUM, EYUZTSUM, has been
       updated to allow the STOPUNCON and FORCEDISCON actions to be
       When STOPUNCON is requested, the CSDB flag is turned on and
       then the request is sent to the MAS.
       When FORCEDISCON is requested, the CSDB STOPUNCON flag is
       queried, and if it is not turned on, the request is not
       honored, and a status STOPUNCON_REQUIRED is returned to the
       caller.  If the flag turned on, a call is made to CPLM to
       return the ASID and ASACB address of the MAS, and then the
       ESSS terminate command is issued.  If the ESSS terminate call
       completes successfully, new message EYUTS0026I will be issued
       by TSUM.  The text of this new message is as follows:
         EYUTS0026I  User <userid> has issued the FORCEDISCON action
                     for MAS <masname> - APPLID(<applid>)
    -  Copybook EYUUTPEQ and modules EYUMCTSC, EYUMCTSE and EYUMCTSK
       have been updated to define new message EYUTS0026I.

Temporary fix



APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:


  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:




Publications Referenced

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R50M PSY UK38974

       UP08/08/20 P F808

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 September 2008