IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • SOS occurred in CMAS after a Batchrep job was submitted; that
    batchrep resulted in an a group that included a Descriptor block
    for the same group name.  This caused TSEC to recursively call
    itself until EDSA was exhausted.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All CICSPlex SM V3R2M0 Users                 *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When a CICS system is added to a CICS   *
    *                      system group (CSGLCGCS create) or       *
    *                      removed from a CICS system group        *
    *                      (CSGLCGCS remove), the following errors *
    *                      may occur:                              *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -  A short-on-storage (SOS) condition   *
    *                         in EDSA may occur in a CMAS when     *
    *                         Topology processes the CSGLCGCS      *
    *                         request.                             *
    *                                                              *
    *                         Examination of the CMAS's joblog     *
    *                         will show message EYUXD0002I prior   *
    *                         to the start of the SOS condition,   *
    *                         indicating an ADD or DELETE of a     *
    *                         CSGLCGCS, or a DELETE of a CSYSGRP.  *
    *                                                              *
    *                         Examination of a dump of the CMAS    *
    *                         will show numerous CPSM method       *
    *                         dynamic storage areas (STAKs)        *
    *                         belonging to method EYU0TSEC (TSEC). *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -  The group's associations may not be  *
    *                         processed properly for the system.   *
    *                         For example, if the group is named   *
    *                         as a WLM AORSCOPE, the system may    *
    *                         not be activated as a target region  *
    *                         for the related workload (CSGLCGCS   *
    *                         create) or removed as a target       *
    *                         region for the related workload      *
    *                         (CSGLCGCS remove).                   *
    *                                                              *
    *                         Examination of the CMAS's joblog     *
    *                         will show message EYUTS0013E         *
    *                         indicating that a CICS system was    *
    *                         not found, but the CICS system name  *
    *                         in the message will be blanks.  This *
    *                         will be preceded by message          *
    *                         EYUXD0002I indicating the CSGLCGCS   *
    *                         ADD or DELETE.                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                         Examination of the CMAS's auxtrace   *
    *                         datasets will show the following     *
    *                         exception traces, with the specified *
    *                         trace point ID and debug text:       *
    *                                                              *
    *                           Method  TPID  Debug text           *
    *                           ------  ----  ----------           *
    *                           TSFD      5   SCOPEUNK             *
    *                           TSLA     17   TSLATSCN             *
    *                           TIST     16   TISTTSLA             *
    * RECOMMENDATION: After applying the PTF that resolves this    *
    *                 APAR, all CMASes must be restarted.  Note    *
    *                 that the restarts do not need to occur at    *
    *                 the same time.                               *
    When a CICS system is added to or removed from a CICS system
    group, or a CICS system group with CICS system members is
    deleted, method EYU0TSEC (TSEC) is called to determine the
    changes that need to be made.  TSEC builds a paired list
    containing a group name and the system name to be added or
    removed.  This list is returned to TSLA, which calls method
    EYU0TSCN (TSCN) to broadcast the add or remove to all other
    components in the CMAS, which use the information to either
    activate or terminate processing for the system.
    -  If the group in question is also a member of other CICS
       system groups, then TSEC will recursively call itself for
       each group that the original group is a member of.  If one of
       the groups has an invalid link association list, TSEC could
       recursively call itself until an SOS failure occurs while
       module EYU9XLMC is issuing CICS GETMAINs for storage to use
       as a dynamic storage area for TSEC.
    -  If the group that the system is being added to or removed
       from is a member of a group in which the system is also a
       member, a logic error in TSEC results in it building an
       element that contains a system name of blanks.  When this
       list is passed to TSCN, it calls method EYU0TSFD (TSFD) to
       collect information about the system.  When TSFD receives the
       blank system name, it issues the EYUTS0013E message and fails
       the request, resulting in other components not being informed
       of the change.

Problem conclusion

  • TSEC has been updated to avoid the problems documented above:
    -  When calling itself recursively, TSEC verifies if the group
       being passed to the recursive call is the same as the group
       that was passed to the active call.  If so, TSEC will fail
       the request, issuing new message EYUTS0063E and an exception
       trace with the point ID of 6 and a debug text of "RecurGrp".
       The text of the new message is as follows:
         EYUTS0063E  Topology encountered an error processing a
                     change to a CICS system group
       A dump will also be taken.  The dump title will be similar to
       the following:
         EYU0XZPT Dump,<cmasjobn>,<cmasname>,<lpar>,CMAS,TIST,
    -  The logic error that caused TSEC to build a group and system
       pair with a blank system name has been corrected.

Temporary fix



  • When a CICS system is added to a CICS
    system group (CSGLCGCS create) or
    removed from a CICS system group
    (CSGLCGCS remove), the following errors
    may occur:
    -  A short-on-storage (SOS) condition
       in EDSA may occur in a CMAS when
       Topology processes the CSGLCGCS
       Examination of the CMAS's joblog
       will show message EYUXD0002I prior
       to the start of the SOS condition,
       indicating an ADD or DELETE of a
       CSGLCGCS, or a DELETE of a CSYSGRP.
       Examination of a dump of the CMAS
       will show numerous CPSM method
       dynamic storage areas (STAKs)
       belonging to method EYU0TSEC (TSEC).
    -  The group's associations may not be
       processed properly for the system.
       For example, if the group is named
       as a WLM AORSCOPE, the system may
       not be activated as a target region
       for the related workload (CSGLCGCS
       create) or removed as a target
       region for the related workload
       (CSGLCGCS remove).
       Examination of the CMAS's joblog
       will show message EYUTS0013E
       indicating that a CICS system was
       not found, but the CICS system name
       in the message will be blanks.  This
       will be preceded by message
       EYUXD0002I indicating the CSGLCGCS
       ADD or DELETE.
       Examination of the CMAS's auxtrace
       datasets will show the following
       exception traces, with the specified
       trace point ID and debug text:
         Method  TPID  Debug text
         ------  ----  ----------
         TSFD      5   SCOPEUNK
         TSLA     17   TSLATSCN
         TIST     16   TISTTSLA
    When a CICS system is added to or removed from a CICS system
    group, or a CICS system group with CICS system members is
    deleted, method EYU0TSEC (TSEC) is called to determine the
    changes that need to be made.  TSEC builds a paired list
    containing a group name and the system name to be added or
    removed.  This list is returned to TSLA, which calls method
    EYU0TSCN (TSCN) to broadcast the add or remove to all other
    components in the CMAS, which use the information to either
    activate or terminate processing for the system.
    -  If the group in question is also a member of other CICS
       system groups, then TSEC will recursively call itself for
       each group that the original group is a member of.  If one of
       the groups has an invalid link association list, TSEC could
       recursively call itself until an SOS failure occurs while
       module EYU9XLMC is issuing CICS GETMAINs for storage to use
       as a dynamic storage area for TSEC.
    -  If the group that the system is being added to or removed
       from is a member of a group in which the system is also a
       member, a logic error in TSEC results in it building an
       element that contains a system name of blanks.  When this
       list is passed to TSCN, it calls method EYU0TSFD (TSFD) to
       collect information about the system.  When TSFD receives the
       blank system name, it issues the EYUTS0013E message and fails
       the request, resulting in other components not being informed
       of the change.
    TSEC has been updated to avoid the problems documented above:
    -  When calling itself recursively, TSEC verifies if the group
       being passed to the recursive call is the same as the group
       that was passed to the active call.  If so, TSEC will fail
       the request, issuing new message EYUTS0063E and an exception
       trace with the point ID of 6 and a debug text of "RecurGrp".
       The text of the new message is as follows:
         EYUTS0063E  Topology encountered an error processing a
                     change to a CICS system group
       A dump will also be taken.  The dump title will be similar to
       the following:
         EYU0XZPT Dump,<cmasjobn>,<cmasname>,<lpar>,CMAS,TIST,
    -  The logic error that caused TSEC to build a group and system
       pair with a blank system name has been corrected.

APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:


  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:




Publications Referenced

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R50M PSY UK27850

       UP07/08/08 P F708

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 September 2007