IBM Support



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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • This APAR describes the issues that customers encountered with
    IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 8.5.  These issues
    were resolved as knowledge center updates in June, 2018.

Local fix

  • N/A

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:  This APAR provides a cumulative list of     *
    *                  the documentation issues for June, 2018     *
    *                  that affect users of IBM WebSphere          *
    *                  Application Server Version 8.5.             *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The Knowledge Centers for WebSphere     *
    *                      Application Server Version 8.5 need     *
    *                      to reflect customer enhancement         *
    *                      requests received in problem            *
    *                      management records (PMRs). These        *
    *                      enhancements can include fixing         *
    *                      technical inaccuracies or clarifying    *
    *                      vague information.                      *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    See the Problem conclusion section for a description of the
    issues, which are described in customer PMRs, and the
    documentation change or changes that will address these issues.

Problem conclusion

  • Note: As we update our knowledge centers, the following
    Version 8.5 modifications will be available. To access the
    latest on-line documentation, go to the product library page
    at and
    select the version and product that is appropriate for your
    WebSphere Application Server environment.
    The following Version 8.5 issues will be addressed:
    ID: PI98150
    Problem: Topic, Migrating unrestricted jurisdiction policy
    files, local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar, only shows
    the migrating of the local_policy.jar in the procedure and
    should should the US_export_policy.jar migration also.  The
    technical details about the location of these files has
    changed for Java 8 SR5 FP10 and this topic should be updated
    with these implications.
    Resolution: Topic, Migrating unrestricted jurisdiction policy
    files, local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar, is update to
    also indicate the migration of the US_export_policy.jar.
    and the following table is added to describe the implications
    of Java 8 SR5 FP10:
    ATTENTION: Changes in Java (Java 8 SR5 FP10) move the
    restricted and unrestricted policy files to new locations and
    add a parameter, crypto.policy, to the file that
    allows you to govern which policy files are used.
    Java SR5 Implications
    Table 1. Java SR5 Implications when using the crypto.policy
    setting within the file .
    Java SR5 | crypto.policy  | Comments
     level   | setting        |
    Pre-FP10 |   N/A          | Proceed to the migration procedure
                              |  below.
    and beyond| Not set       |If the traditional
    US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar files (that is,
    limited or unlimited) are found in the legacy
    JAVA-HOME/lib/security directory, then the rules embedded
    within these jar files are used. This helps preserve
    compatibility for users upgrading from an older installation.
    If the jar files are not present in the legacy
    JAVA-HOME/lib/security directory, then the JDK uses the
    unlimited settings, which is equivalent to setting
    Performing the migration procedure is not necessary.
    FP10       |                          |
    and beyond | crytpo.policy=unlimited  |
    If the traditional US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar
    files (that is, unlimited or limited ) are found in the legacy
    JAVA-HOME/lib/security directory, then the rules embedded
    within these jar files are used. This helps preserve
    compatibility for users upgrading from an older installation.
    If the jar files are not present in the legacy
    JAVA-HOME/lib/security directory, then the JDK uses the
    unlimited settings.
    Performing the migration procedure is not necessary.
    FP10       |                        |
    and beyond | crytpo.policy=limited  |
    If the traditional US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar
    files (that is, unlimited or limited ) are found in the legacy
    JAVA-HOME/lib/security directory, then the rules embedded
    within these jar files are used. This helps preserve
    compatibility for users upgrading from an older installation.
    If the jar files are not present in the legacy
    JAVA-HOME/lib/security directory, then the JDK uses the
    limited settings,
    Performing the migration procedure is not necessary.
    ALSO, step 1 now reads:
    Before migrating, copy the modified local_policy.jar file and
    the US_export_policy.jar file to a temporary location.
    ALSO, step 3 now reads:
    Copy the modified local_policy.jar file and the
    US_export_policy.jar file from step 1 to the following
    directory on the new WebSphere Application Server
    installation: WAS_HOME/java/jre/lib/security.
    This update also applies to V9.0 level of the knowledge center.
    ID: 255655 (RTC)
    Problem: The CAUTION at the bottom of the topic,
    securityUtility command, is completely
    accurate, but its placement is missed by customers
    reading the topic.  Many customers only read so far as they
    need to.....  In this specific case, not reading the CAUTION
    caused errors for the customer.
    Resolution: Topic, securityUtility command, is updated as
    (1) Copy the CAUTION in its entirety and paste it just after
    the first sentence intro and just before the SYNTAX section.
    (2) The topic will have then the CAUTION in two distinct
    places.... the beginning of the topic and at the end of the
    This update applies to all levels of Liberty.
    ID: 787488
    Problem: Wrong configuration parameters are being used as in
    the following:
    id = AdminConfig.create( 'StringNameSpaceBinding',
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), [['name', name], ['nameInNameSpace',
    nameInSpace], ['stringToBind', stringToBind]])
    id2 = AdminConfig.create( 'StringNameSpaceBinding',
    The knowledge center needs to clarify this usage.
    Resolution: Topic, Commands for the AdminConfig object using
    wsadmin scripting, is updated.  The following additional
    information is added to the existing AVOID TROUBLE note.
    When a string contains special characters such as quotes,
    backslash or brackets, it can use the Jython String syntax,
    see below examples:
    1. String contains backslash "\" such as value = 'c\d".
    The backslash will be treated as escape character in Jython
    and it will be converted to double backslash by design:
    value = 'c\d'
    id = AdminConfig.create( 'StringNameSpaceBinding',
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), [['name', 'test'],
    ['nameInNameSpace', 'test'], ['stringToBind', value]])
    print AdminConfig.showall(id)
    [name test]
    [nameInNameSpace test]
    [stringToBind c\\d]]
    If user likes to reserve original backslash in a path, it will
    need to use Jython with string attributes:
    id = AdminConfig.create("StringNameSpaceBinding",
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), '[[name "test"] [nameInNameSpace
    "test"] [stringToBind c\d]]')
    Use variable:
    value = "c\d"
    id = AdminConfig.create("StringNameSpaceBinding",
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), '[[name "test"] [nameInNameSpace
    "test"] [stringToBind '+value+']]')
    2. String contains backslash "\" and brackets "[]" such as
    value = '\[br]'.
    Use Jython string attributes:
    id = AdminConfig.create("StringNameSpaceBinding",
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), '[[name "test"] [nameInNameSpace
    "test"] [stringToBind "\[br]"]]')
    Use variable:  Add additional brackets [] to enclose it
    value = "[\[br]]"
    id = AdminConfig.create("StringNameSpaceBinding",
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), '[[name "test"] [nameInNameSpace
    "test"] [stringToBind '+value+']]')
    3. String contain quotes (""), backslash ("\") and brackets
    ("[]") such as value =  '"dq" \[br]'
    - Use "\" to escape quotes when passing value directly
    Use Jython string attributes:
    id = AdminConfig.create( 'StringNameSpaceBinding',
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), "[[name 'test'] [nameInNameSpace
    'test'] [stringToBind '\"dq\" \[abc]']]")
    - Use variable:  put additional brackets to enclose it
    value = '[\"dq\" \[br]]'    (original value: '"dq" \[br]')
    id = AdminConfig.create("StringNameSpaceBinding",
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), '[[name "test"] [nameInNameSpace
    "test"] [stringToBind '+value+']]')
    You can use Jython with the object attributes (list syntax),
    see below examples:
    1. String contains brackets "[]" such as value = '[br]'
    Use Jython with object attributes:
    value = " [br]"  (add a leading space in front of bracket)
    id = AdminConfig.create( 'StringNameSpaceBinding',
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), [['name', 'test'],
    ['nameInNameSpace', 'test'], ['stringToBind', value]])
    2.  String contain quotes ("") and brackets ("[]") such as
    value =  '"dq" [br]'
    Use Jython with object attributes:
    value = '"dq" [br]'
    id = AdminConfig.create( 'StringNameSpaceBinding',
    AdminConfig.list("Cell"), [['name', 'test'],
    ['nameInNameSpace', 'test'], ['stringToBind', value]])
    This update also applies to V9.0 of knowledge center.
    ID: 257922 (RTC) and 788456
    Problem: Topic, Migrating to a Version 8.5 stand-alone
    application server on a remote machine, has misleading
    information that is not specific to migrating a stand-alone
    application server to a remote machine.
    Resolution: Topic, Migrating to a Version 8.5 stand-alone
    application server on a remote machine, is updated:
    (1) The first sentence in the NOTE: after Before you begin
    reads: This article is about configuration migration to a
    Version 8.5 stand-alone application server on a remote machine.
    (2) Step 2 now reads: Create the remote migration .jar file on
    the target machine. See Create the remote migration .jar file.
    (3) Step 3 now reads: Save the current application server
    configuration by running the WASPreUpgrade command on the
    source host. See the steps about saving and archiving the
    configuration data in Migrating product configurations with
    migration tools.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

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  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

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Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.5","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 November 2021