IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All Fault Analyzer Version 11 users.         *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 01. Abend S23E after successful Fault   *
    *                          Analyzer analysis of a CICS         *
    *                          transaction abend.                  *
    *                          APAR PI07732                        *
    *                      02. MATCH CSR not working if help text  *
    *                          is enabled, the display has been    *
    *                          scrolled to hide the help text, and *
    *                          the cursor is placed in a field     *
    *                          near the bottom of the display.     *
    *                          APAR PI07155                        *
    *                      03. Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem       *
    *                          IDI0095W ENQ ECB status error and   *
    *                          IDI0131WENQ delay lockout on        *
    *                          history file.                       *
    *                          APAR PI07761                        *
    *                      04. Extraneous subscript when           *
    *                          formatting multi-dimension COBOL    *
    *                          tables.                             *
    *                          APAR PI06368                        *
    *                      05. Storage overlay in fileLANGX()      *
    *                          while processing scope records.     *
    *                          APAR PI07762                        *
    *                      06. Fault Analyzer gets a S0C4 abend    *
    *                          at entry point pp_tctse_main when   *
    *                          analyzing a dump.                   *
    *                          APAR PI07763                        *
    *                      07. Abend S0C4 from entry point         *
    *                          ProcHistDA statement 6965 offset    *
    *                          X'81BA' when pressing Enter after   *
    *                          selecting an empty history file for *
    *                          display.                            *
    *                          APAR PI07764                        *
    *                      08. Incorrect Fault Entry List display  *
    *                          scroll down action under CICS, when *
    *                          help text is enabled and the        *
    *                          top-most fault entry is displayed.  *
    *                          APAR PI07155                        *
    *                      09. Symbol substitution not working     *
    *                          in the alternative parmlib data set *
    *                          name specified via the IDIOPTLM     *
    *                          configuration-options module field  *
    *                          CNFDSN.                             *
    *                          APAR PI07765                        *
    *                      10. The user ID of an IMS abend is not  *
    *                          displayed in the history file, like *
    *                          it is for CICS.                     *
    *                          APAR PI07594                        *
    *                      11. Message "ICH409I 282-020 ABEND      *
    *                          DURING RACHECK PROCESSING" during   *
    *                          analysis of Java dump.              *
    *                          APAR PI07766                        *
    *                      12. Fault Analyzer empty report, no     *
    *                          events from RFR dump after IDI0055S *
    *                          out of storage message.             *
    *                          APAR PI07767                        *
    *                      13. Fault Analyzer might generate more  *
    *                          than one fault entry for the same   *
    *                          event.  The additional fault        *
    *                          entries have no minidump or report  *
    *                          content.                            *
    *                          APAR PI07858                        *
    * RECOMMENDATION: Apply the provided PTF.                      *
    01. For LE transactions running on a L9 TCB, control was being
        returned to the Fault Analyzer invocation exit on the L9
        TCB. A DETACH call could potentially be issued, which is not
        valid from the L9 TCB.
    02. The check for the cursor position within the ISPF dynamic
        area failed to correctly cater for the hidden help text.
    03. When XCF message delays occur, the IDIS subsystem recovery
        might get an ENQ status error that causes recurring IDI0131W
        messages until the IDIS subsystem is restarted.
    04. Dimension not decremented correctly.
    05. Scope slot index is out of bounds.
    06. A storage overlay in the customer environment caused control
        blocks to contain invalid values. A text string was missing
        the terminating character, causing Fault Analyzer to get a
    07. The determination of display characteristics to be used for
        the re-display did not correctly handle the situation where
        the history file contains zero fault entries.
    08. The ZSCROLLA value returned by VGET in this environment
        was not blank-padded as expected.
    09. The symbol substitution service output buffer length was
        set too short.
    10. The user ID displayed is the one from the job's ACEE.
    11. A valid history file data set name had not been set from the
        Fault Entry List display prior to the dump analysis,
        resulting in a blank history file data set name being
        checked for access authorization.
    12. The RFR SDUMP after an out of storage IDI0055S message might
        not get a TCB selected for analysis.
    13. More than one fault entry for the same job and timestamp if
        delays in XCF coupling facility messages cause retransmit of
        a fault ID assignment.

Problem conclusion

  • 01. The DETACH is now only attempted when running on the QR TCB.
    02. The problem has been corrected.
    03. ENQ processing changed to accommodate the timing issues.
    04. Dimension decremented corrected.
    05. Scope slot index corrected.
    06. The code was modified to limit the length of the string
    07. The problem has been corrected.
    08. The ZSCROLLA value is now processed correctly, regardless of
        blank-padding after VGET.
    09. The buffer length has been set to the correct value.
    10. If a user ID is found in an IMS IOPCB, then it will be shown
        instead of the job's ACEE user ID.
    11. A check has been added for the existence of a non-blank
        history file data set name prior to the RACHECK call.
    12. The code has bee updated to determine the TCB issuing the
        RFR call.
    13. The code has been updated to cater for the potential
        re-transmission of an assignment request via XCF.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:



    ***This field was truncated.  To obtain the full apar record, please contact your local support center.***

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RB10 PSY UI13511

       UP13/12/17 P F312

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"B10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSXJAJ","label":"Fault Analyzer for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"B10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 January 2014