IBM Support

NSLOOKUP name or IP results in error messages: CPDB9EA, CPDB9C1, CPDB9C9, CPFB9C0



Running NSLOOKUP/DIG commands result in error - see joblog in attachment


Could not load dependent PASE for i module libcrypto.a(

Resolving The Problem

Note: If the output is not what we expect from Step 1 & 2, then a reload of PASE and SC1 is required.

Step 1 - Verify the path exists with the following command:

DSPLNK OBJ('/usr/lib/libcrypto.a') DETAIL(*EXTENDED) 

You should have something like below such as the object link and type of symlnk where we are looking
for the libcrypto.a which was in the error message

Then, do a 12, and you will get a screen showing the objeck link and its content link.

Now, do the following command :

wrklnk '/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/SC1/OpenSSL/lib' 

You will get the work with object link screen - do a 5 in front of lib

Your result will show the libcrpto.a

Step 2 - Ask for DSPSFWRSC OUTPUT(*PRINT) and compare the modules for installation.

5770SS1 33 5111 *CODE QPASE V7R3M0 Portable App Solutions Environment
5770SS1 33 2924 *LNG QPASE V7R3M0 Portable App Solutions Environment

Note that the SC1 entries will show V7R2MO which are correct as V7R3MO
does not exist due to the slipship
5733SC1 *BASE 5050 *CODE QUTL V7R2M0 IBM Portable Utilities for i
5733SC1 *BASE 2924 *LNG QUTL V7R2M0 IBM Portable Utilities for i
5733SC1 1 5050 *CODE QUTL V7R2M0 OpenSSH, OpenSSL, zlib

5770SS1 30 5050 *CODE QSHELL V7R3M0 Qshell
5770SS1 30 2924 *LNG QSHELL V7R3M0 Qshell

Step 3 - Verify that the PASE modules are setup correctly with the following commands and results:

- call qp2term

- echo $LIBPATH  
- dump -Tv /usr/lib/libcrypto.a | grep __fd_select   

The results should be similar to the following - where the echo command should return nothing and the dump
command should return some output; if either one is different then, there is a problem.


Step 4 - If Steps 1 and 2 are ok, then run the following command and verify the version of the file.

If the version is not there that is in your error, then apply PTF SC1 SI59204

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.1.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
18 December 2019

