IBM Support

A6005008 and How to Extract Useful Data From It



This document will show you the meaning for all the data associated with an A6005008 and a step-by-step tutorial on how to extract meaningful data

Resolving The Problem

SRC A6005008
This system reference code (SRC) is used for a console that fails during a manual IPL (Operations Console or D-mode IPL). The data present in this SRC has evolved from V5R3 to the latest code. Some of these changes were introduced using PTFs and later used in the next release's base code. Not all words within the SRC are used for all problems.

Use the following tables if you received SRC A6005008. If restarting the server did not find a console and if the console type is set to anything except a 1, the system displays code A6005008.

If you are attempting to use a twinaxial console, the only data relevant in this SRC is word 16. Use the following table to determine the twinaxial failure. The first four characters of this word contains the last four characters of the original failure type. For example, if word 16 contains 50010001, the twinaxial-related SRC is A6005001 and the console type is set to use a twinaxial console.
If you are attempting to use Operations Console, select the appropriate section in the table below as follows:
Local console on a network (LAN) uses words 13, 14, and 15.
Local console that is directly attached uses words 17, 18, and 19.

Note: If you just replaced the LAN adapter associated with a local console on a network (LAN), you need to wait at least 35 minutes for the server to find and use the new LAN adapter. In this case, after the server is satisfied, it starts using the new adapter, the console starts, and the SRC disappears.

This topic will provide a step by step of an example A6005008 SRC and provide the meaning of the data along with applicable usage and reference what needs to be performed in order to make a change. Keep in mind that you do not have to follow this step-by-step method to get to the meaning of the various parts of the data.

The words of data are represented differently, depending on how you accessed the data. In our example, you see words 1 thru 9 which would correspond to functions 11 thru 19 on older physical control panels or the RCP/VCP. Here is a very common SRC we will work with:
Word 1: A6005008
Word 2: 03D00061
Word 3: 06C00004
Word 4: 00000011
Word 5: C0000000
Word 6: 50070A03
Word 7: 000000FA
Word 8: 00000000
Word 9: 00000000

Here the data is broken down into the significant pieces:
Click the link in the data areas to go to the appropriate table of details.
Base SRC

12 03D00061 Not used


LAN flag


Assigned direct connect location


LAN console reason code for the failure


Depends on reason code in word 13


Depends on reason code in word 13


If the console is twinaxial, this is the SRC that would have been displayed


Tag information


Console type


Direct cable reason code


Depends on reason code in word 17


Depends on reason code in word 17

Word 13 (AA BB) of AA BB CCCC
The following table contains the Word 13 values for the AABB status indicators, which display differently depending on the system's code level and whether or not you have installed PTF MF39303 (V5R3M5) or PTF MF39304 (V5R4M0). The AABB values only display on systems that are not managed by a Hardware Management Console (HMC).

V5R3/V5R4 Without PTF MF39303 (V5R3M5) or PTF MF39304 (V5R4M0)
AA means:
BB means:
E1 - Allows the internal embedded adapter.
00 - No support for the internal embedded adapter.
E2 - Allows the external adapter.
00 - No support for the external adapter.
E1E20005 (AA BB CCCC) = Allows both the internal embedded adapter and external adapter (typical values for new systems). The system is on the network; however, it is not communicating with the PC.

V5R3/V5R4 With PTF MF39303 (V5R3M5) or PTF MF39304 (V5R4M0)
AA means:
BB means:
E0 - System is upgraded from V5R3 and support for the 1 GB Ethernet adapter is not set.
E1 - Disabled. Both the internal embedded adapter and external adapters are not being searched for.
E2 - Allows the internal embedded adapter.
E4 - Allows the external adapter.
E6 - Allows both internal embedded adapter and external adapter.
C2, C3, or C4 - Location of selected asynchronous adapter used for console, ECS, and remote service.
Note: C4 cannot be selected for use with the console when using the 2793 asynchronous adapter, but it can be selected for use with ECS and remote service.

E6C30005 (AA BB CCCC) = Allows both the internal embedded adapter and external adapter (typical values for new systems), and the asynchronous adapter can be used for console, ECS, and remote service. The system is on the network; however, it is not communicating with the PC.

V5R4M5 and later
Word 13 reason codes as AA BB in the 5008 SRC code AABBCCCC:
Embedded or External flag state (0 or E)
Embedded flag is on
D-mode with no flags
no LAN flags are on - This is the disable flag.
Embedded is enabled
External is enabled
Both internal and external enabled
Only the external flag is on
Selected LAN card location

Selected Async card location C1 - C5
HMC managed, Thin Console or
Primary / standalone on Pre-Power5 processor-based
Examples for AABB
06C0 Both internal and external enabled and no async card has been selected.

E1C2 Only the external flag is on and the LAN adapter in C1 has been selected. The async adapter in C2 has been selected.

Word 13 (CCCC) of AA BB CCCC

Word 14 (DDDDDDDD) Word 15 (EEEEEEEE)

The following table defines the Words 13, 14, and 15 values.

Word 13 (AA BB CCCC) for a local console on a network (LAN).
If Word 13 value
(CCCC) is:
Word 14
Word 15
Unexpected conditionCould report any word 14 data for any of the other reason codes (cccc)Could report any data for any word 15 of the other reason codes (cccc)
No supported hardware detected or hardware detected is not expected. For example, you replaced the LAN IOA so the serial number is different. In some cases the serial number of the expected adapter might be displayed. If a serial number is displayed, an adapter was previously configured. If you are installing a new server or partition that you will rely on BOOTP to complete the configuration, you might have to clear this data using the console service functions (65+21).
LAN IOA failed to report
Hardware errorCommon error codes: 53001A80, 53002AC0 - Network, cable or the LAN adapter might not be operational.

00000000: This error code indicates the adapter reported, but is not initialized yet. This is not considered an error at this time. The adapter should be activated shortly.

For other error codes, contact your service provider.
Adapter position or serial number of adapter
BOOTP status:
If attempts are zero, then BOOTP is ready when called.
If attempts have a value, then the PC did not respond.
AttemptsAdapter position or serial number of adapter
Server's LAN connection is active, but the PC failed to connect. Are the PC and server on the same network? Are they using the same protocol? Can the PC ping the server? (ping serverhostname)IP address Adapter position or serial number of adapter
The system has a problem with the alternate stack.

Word 16 (FFFF) of FFFF GG HH

The following SRCs might be displayed for twinaxial consoles.

Twinaxial equivalent SRC code
A6005001A console resource (controller) was not found when the server was started.
A6005004A console device was not found when the server was started. A twinaxial controller was found but cannot be used. This indicates only the presence of a controller. It does not indicate that the controller can be defective.
A6005007A console device was not found when the server was started. The controller (6A59) was found but the connection is starting. This can be a problem with the device or emulator, or the data flow path is not being established or maintained.

Word 16 (GG) of FFFF GG HH
Value (HEX)
Supported, reporting workstation IOA in the tagged IOA location.
Reporting communications IOA in the tagged IOA location with at least one reporting port that supports the async protocol and needed physical interface
Supported, reporting LAN IOA in the tagged IOA location, or a LAN port with the tagged port DRC (used for HEA).
HMC console has been configured.
No console IOA tag, no console IOP tag, and no console port DRC tag found, and HMC console has not been configured. Note: This is normal for standalone systems since they don't involve tagging.
A physical slot number cannot be determined from the IOA tag.
No reporting IOA in the tagged IOA location.
More than one valid, reporting console IOA in the tagged IOA location. This is an unexpected error.
A reporting IOA was found at the location specified by the console IOA tag; however, it was not a communications IOA, and was not valid for any other kind of console (in other words, not twinaxial).
The following codes are new at V6R1
An IOP has been tagged for the console, and not an IOA nor an HEA port.
Reporting LAN ports were found at the location specified by the console IOA tag, but the specific LAN port type (CCIN) is not supported for LAN console.
A reporting communications IOA is in the tagged IOA location, but it has no reporting ports.
A reporting communications IOA is in the tagged IOA location, but it has no reporting LAN ports, and no reporting ports that support direct connect Operations Console (support the async protocol and have the correct physical interface).
No reporting port resource was found with the DRC tag for the console port resource.
A reporting port was found with the DRC tag for the console; however, it did not qualify for use with operations console.

Word 16 (HH) of FFFF GG HH
HH = Console type
The console type value is represented by the last two characters in the form xxxx yy zz.

00 = Not defined by user (old default value)

01 = Twinaxial

02 = Operations console(Direct)
03 = Operations Console (LAN )
04 = Hardware Management Console (HMC) or Thin Console

Note: It is expected that a D-mode IPL with a new load source hard disk drive displays the console type value of 00. An example of when this can occur is if the copy of data from a failing hard disk drive does not copy all data or you are installing a new logical partition. Also, there are times when the hard disk drive is late reporting and the console type value is not retrieved in time. In these cases, you can use the console service functions (65+21) to set a console type value or attempt to contact the console again.Words 17, 18, and 19

The following table defines the Words 17, 18 and 19 values for a local console that is directly attached.

Direct cable
If Word 17 value is:
Word 18 means:
Word 19 means:
Asynchronous adapter not detected

No cables detected
Adapter position
Adapter type
Wrong cable detected
Adapter position
Cable ID
Port in use
Adapter position
Adapter type
Not configured for direct cable

Step-by-step analysis
We will start with the same example data from the beginning of this topic.
Here is a very common SRC we will work with:

Word 1: A6005008

Word 2: 03D00061
Word 3: 06C00004
Word 4: 00000011
Word 5: C0000000
Word 6: 50070A03
Word 7: 000000FA
Word 8: 00000000
Word 9: 00000000

You normally know the console type you are trying to connect. We will start with that. The console type is located in word 16 (FFFF GG HH) so the data Word 6: 50070A03 means that our example system's problem is with LAN console. Of course if you got this value and you were trying to use another console type you know this is the problem. If that is true, assuming you do not have another device to use, you would use the console service functions (65+21) to set the correct console type. For this example, a value of 03 (Operations Console (LAN)) is correct.

The next piece of data of concern is the tag information, also in word 16 (FFFF GG HH), shows a value of Word 6: 50070A03. From the appropriate table, you can see that it means:
No console IOA tag, no console IOP tag, and no console port DRC tag found, and HMC console has not been configured.
Note: This is normal for standalone systems because they do not involve tagging.

Therefore, if this was representing a single partitioned 9406-520, this is not the problem. However, if this represented a different value, such as 0A, you see the console is incorrectly tagged.
No reporting IOA in the tagged IOA location.

For this example, the data is correct; therefore, we will move on.

Note: We already know that this is a local console on a network (LAN); therefore, the only data left that is relevant is in words 13, 14 and 15. Words 17, 18 and 19 have no bearing, which is further represented with:

Word 7: 000000FA
Not configured for direct cable

Another possible problem affecting a Power-processor-based system not managed by an HMC is, as in our example system, whether the LAN flags are correct. If we are trying to use the embedded port for the console, the embedded port flag must be turned on. The data:

Word 3: 06C00004

V5R4M5 and later (our example system)

Reason codes as AA BB in the 5008 SRC code AABBCCCC:
Embedded or External flag state (0 or E)
Embedded flag is on
D-mode with no flags
no LAN flags are on - This is the disable flag.
Embedded is enabled
External is enabled
Both internal and external enabled
Only the external flag is on
Selected LAN card location

Selected Async card location C1 - C5
HMC managed, Thin Console or
Primary / standalone on Pre-Power5 processor-based

The only part of the table we are concerned with is AA. The value in BB is not used for a network-attached console. If you look under AA, you see that both the embedded port and the external port flags are on. This is the default value from manufacturing. Because the embedded port is on, the external flag is not considered; therefore, this is good also.

If the data had indicated a 00 or 01, the system would not be able to use the embedded port. In this case, you would have to use the console service functions (65+21) to set the correct flags. Another scenario might be that AA had a value of E0 which would indicate an intent to use an external 1 GB Ethernet adapter such as the 5706; however, the adapter location has not been selected yet.

That only leaves the reason code in word 13.

Word 3: 06C00004

Word 4: 00000011
Word 5: C0000000
If Word 13
value (n) is:
Word 14
Word 15
BOOTP status:
If attempts are zero, then BOOTP is ready when called.
If attempts have a value, then the PC did not respond.
AttemptsAdapter position or serial number of adapter

Word 14 has a value so the data is indicating BOOTP was taking place at the time the SRC was issued. There are numerous reasons for this condition:
o The system serial number might be in error when you created the configured connection.
-- Delete and re-create the configured connection.
o The partition number might be in error when you created the configured connection.
-- Delete and recreate the configured connection.
o The system and PC are not connected to the system in a way that broadcast packets sent by the system can be detected by the PC.
-- Either connect the PC or system to the same hub, router or switch, or configure the network device to pass broadcast packets.
o If you are setting up a Power6 processor-based blade, check that you have bridging properly enabled in VIOS/IVM.

Word 15 is rarely used when the system is using V5R4M5 or later of Licensed Internal Code since the system uses the UID (Universal Identifier) of the adapter to find the resource and for the embedded there is no card slot so this data often contains just the C0000000 to indicate no slot number. Also, there are conditions in which a location or adapter serial (or UID) cannot be determined so you may see just 00000000.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"6.1.0"}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
18 December 2019

