IBM Support

ASYNCBRING Enablement - IFS SAV Performance at V6R1Mx and V7R1M0



This document explains that a new parameter will be added to the SAV command and a new key added to the QsrSave API which will specify whether objects should be asynchronously brought into memory during the save processing. Async bring will only be done when saving objects from the root ('/'), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems.

Resolving The Problem

A new parameter will be added to the SAV command and a new key added to the QsrSave API which will specify whether objects should be asynchronously brought into memory during the save processing. Asynchronous brings will only be done when saving objects from the root ('/'), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems.

ASYNCBRING enablement was introduced as an enhancement at V6R1Mx and V7R1M0 using PTFs.

    • - SAV command Help text for ASYNCBRING

      Asynchronous bring. Specify whether objects should be asynchronously brought into memory during the save processing. Depending on the directory tree structure, the amount of memory available, and the number of objects which qualify for the save, asynchronously bringing the objects may improve save performance. The best performance improvement may be seen with a well balanced directory tree in which all objects qualify for the save. In situations where a large number of objects reside in a single directory, few objects qualify for the save, or the system is memory constrained, performance may degrade with ASYNCBRING(*YES) specified. The default is *NO. The possible values are as follows:

      o *NO Asynchronous bring is not done.
      o *YES Asynchronous brings are done

    The following PTFs are required:

    • - Release V6R1M0

      SI46711 <- This PTF now supercedes SI44587
      SI44739 <- S/R PTF containing the key cover letter for the customer (PTF is approved)
      SI47800 <- This PTF now supersedes SI44739
      SI44709 <- BRMS PTF that supports ASYNCBRING
      SI47038 <- This PTF now supersedes SI44709

      Prior to ordering these PTFs, the customer should order and install the latest available superseded PTF(s):

      o SI43749
      o SI43838

      Installing the superseded PTF(s) is required to ensure the PTF can be properly removed (if needed) and to prevent the PTF from being permanently applied by the system due to requisite PTF processing.

    • - Release V6R1M1

      SI46711 <- This PTF now supersedes SI44587
      SI44739 <- S/R PTF containing the key cover letter for the customer (PTF is approved)
      SI47800 <- This PTF now supersedes SI44739
      SI44709 <- BRMS PTF that supports ASYNCBRING
      SI47038 <- This PTF now supersedes SI44709

      Prior to ordering these PTFs, the customer should order and install the latest available superseded PTF(s):

      o SI43749
      o SI43838

      Installing the superseded PTF(s) is required to ensure the PTF can be properly removed (if needed) and to prevent the PTF from being permanently applied by the system due to requisite PTF processing.

    • - Release V7R1M0

      SI45693 <- This PTF now supersedes SI44588
      SI44688 <- S/R PTF containing the key cover letter for the customer (PTF is approved)
      SI46812 <- This PTF now supersedes SI44688
      SI44710 <- BRMS PTF that supports ASYNCBRING
      SI45327 <- This PTF now supersedes SI44710

      Prior to ordering these PTFs, the customer should order and install the latest available superseded PTF(s):
      o SI43750
      o SI44528

      Installing the superseded PTF(s) is required to ensure the PTF can be properly removed (if needed) and to prevent the PTF from being permanently applied by the system due to requisite PTF processing.

      Note: There are additional steps required to enable the ASYNCBRING enhancement for BRMS save operations. This is documented in the BRMS PTF cover letter, Item 13:

    • - Cover Letter Instructions - BRMS Support for ASYNCBRING

      In V6R1 and above, override support for the new ASYNCBRING key on the QsrSave API to help improve IFS save performance is now possible using one of the following commands:
      (Important Note: Enter the commands in uppercase only.)

      To enable the new ASYNCBRING key:

      To disable the new ASYNCBRING key:

      To remove the override, use the following command (default is *NO):

      To show the current override being used, use the following command:

    At V7R2M0 and above, there is a control group attribute that regulates this parameter.

    To have ASYNCBRING active for the GO SAVE 21 option you will need to change the default setting for that parameter from *NO to *YES

    [{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.1.0"}]

    Historical Number


    Document Information

    Modified date:
    18 December 2019

