IBM Support

Gathering and Transmitting PE Debug Data from an HMC

Question & Answer


How to collect a pedbg from a HMC at either v7, v8 or v9?


Sometimes when you are working with IBM Remote Support you will be asked to send in PE debug (pedbg) data from the HMC attached to your servers. The process of gathering a pedbg on an HMC requires that you perform the operation as a user called hscpe that has task role hmcpe. The pedbg script will collect debug data and afterwards you can transmit the data off the HMC using the sendfile command.


1. Collecting a pedbg

a. Login as user hscpe with ssh,

If the hscpe user ID does not exist, Create it using hscroot and following command.

mkhmcusr -u hscpe -a hmcpe -d "HMC PE User"

Note:  If the hscpe account exist, but don't know its password.

Lost password command = "chhmcusr -u hscpe -t passwd"

b. run following command (type it rather than cut and paste)

pedbg -c -q 4

2. Upload the pedbg to IBM

a. Use the command sendfile (if HMC can access Internet directly)

sendfile -f /dump/ -h -d /toibm/aix/ -n -u anonymous --passwd <your own email address>

NOTE: Use your SalesForce case number as a prefix when renaming the file to send, but keep the rest of the pedbg name intact.

b. If upload to IBM testcase is not possible with the sendfile command

(1) copy (scp) the file from the HMC to a system that has internet access

scp /dump/HMClogs.*.zip <user>@<ipaddress or hostname>:/tmp/ TSxxxxxxxxx.HMClogs.*.zip

(2) Use the ECuRep website to upload the file and select AIX in "the upload is for"

(3) To offload file from the HMC to MS Windows based system, use the below IBM Tech Note:
"Copying an HMC File to a Microsoft Windows PC Using PuTTY"

c. If need to send data to IBM Blue Diamond rather than our testcase or ECuRep sites then use following.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SGGSNP","label":"Hardware Management Console V9"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"Advanced","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"}}]

Product Synonym

Hardware Management Console

Document Information

Modified date:
22 September 2021

