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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • Reported component= 5740XYR05, DB2 CONTROL CENTER
    Rep rel=81D   SCP rel=81D
    Using the DB2 stored procedure DSNACCJP

Local fix

  • This APAR provides a brief guide to the new stored
    procedure DSNACCJP included with PTF UQ81110.
    Stored procedure DSNACCJP
    1. Description
    DSNACCJP is a DB2 stored procedure that gives
    applications a way to purge or cancel a job.
    The application connects to a DB2 Universal Database
    for z/OS subsystem, and then calls DSNACCJP to
    perform the requested operation.
    2. Environment
    DSNACCJP runs in a WLM-established stored procedure address
    3. Authorization required
    Please see the section " Notes on the required RACF authority"
    in the APAR II13698.
    4. DSNACCJP syntax diagram
    > __operation__,__user-ID__,__user-pswd__,__________ _____>
    > __jes-ID__,__job-ID__,__wait-time___,___________________>
    > __return-code__,__msg-area___)_________________________><
    5. DSNACCJP option descritpions
    operation -
       Specifies the type of command to invoke:
          1 - Cancel a job
          2 - Purge a job
       This is an input parameter of type INTEGER.
    user-ID -
       Specifies the user ID that the stored procedure DSNACCJP
       runs under.
       This is an input parameter of type VARCHAR(8).
    user-pswd -
       Specifies the password for the user ID specified in
       the user-ID parameter.
       This is an input parameter of type VARCHAR(8).
    jes-ID -
       This is the ID that has been assigned by the system
       programmer to the JES. If only one JES2 is in use
       then usually the default name 'JES2' is used.
       This is an input parameter of type VARCHAR(8).
    job-ID -
       Specifies a JES2 or JES3 job ID.
       It can have the format J####### or JOB#####,
       where the # symbol stands for any digit 0-9."
       This is an input parameter of type VARCHAR(8).
    wait-time -
       Specifies the number of seconds that DSNACCJP
       will wait for the requested operation to be processed by
       JES.    If this parameter is set as NULL then the default
       value (1 second) will be used.
       If the time expires then the stored procedure will finish
       with the return code 4.
       This is an input parameter of type INTEGER.
    return-code -
       Return code from the stored procedure. Possible values are:
           0 - The call completed successfully.
               The msg-area parameter contains the output from
               the cancel or purge operation.
           4 - The call completed successfully
               but the operation is not processed within
               the time specified in the wait-time parameter.
               The msg-area parameter contains messages that
               describe the error.
           8 - The call did not complete successfully. An error
               The msg-area parameter contains messages that
               describe the error.
          12 - The call did not complete successfully. A severe
               error occurred.
               The msg-area parameter contains messages that
               describe the error.
          This is an output parameter of type INTEGER.
       Contains messages if an error occurs during stored procedure
       execution. The first messages in this area are generated
       by the stored procedure. Messages that are generated
       by z/OS might follow the first messages.
       This is an output parameter of type VARCHAR(32677).
    6. Example of DSNACCJP invocation
    The following Java example outlines the steps that you need to
    perform to invoke the stored procedure DSNACCJP and to retrieve
    the return code and messages that DSNACCJP returns.
        Connection con;
        CallableStatement cs;
        // Assign values to DSNACCJP input parameters
        int operation = 1;            // cancel a job
        String userID = "USER1";
        String pswd   = "PSWD1";
        String jesID  = "JES2";
        String jobID  = "JOB00102";
        int waitTime  = 2;            // two seconds
        // Create a CallableStatement object
        cs = con.prepareCall("CALL SYSPROC.DSNACCJP(" +
                             "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
        // Set DSNACCJP input parameters
        cs.setInt(1,operation);  // set the operation code
        cs.setString(2, userID); // user ID DSNACCJP will run under
        cs.setString(3, pswd);   // password of userID
        cs.setString(4, jesId);  // JES subsystem ID
        cs.setString(5, jobId);  // ID of job to be cancelled
                                 //    or purged
        cs.setInt(6,waitTime);   // time (in seconds) DSNACCJP
                                 // waits for operation to complete
        // Register DSNACCJP output parameters
        cs.registerOutParameter(7,Types.INTEGER);     // ret code
        cs.registerOutParameter(8,Types.LONGVARCHAR); // msg area
        // Call DSNACCJP
        // Retrieve DSNACCJP output parameter 'return code'
        int rc = cs.getInt(7);
        // Stored procedure did not complete successfully
        // retrieve error message
        if (rc != 0) {
           String message = cs.getString(8);
        // Close the statement

Problem summary

  •  A brief user guide for the stored procedure
    DSNACCJP is required

Problem conclusion

  •  A brief user guide is provided

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

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  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

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Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":null,"label":null},"Product":{"code":"SG19O","label":"APARs - MVS environment"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF054","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"001"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 September 2020