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Error description

  • 5740xyr00 R230 R310
    The information about DB2 with CICS Version 4 is contained in 3
    Info. APARs:  II07632, II07633 and II07634.
           Notice to Everyone Using DB2 with CICS Version 4
    The CICS-DB2 attachment facility is the part of the DB2 product
    that connects CICS to DB2.  This attachment facility is provided
    on the product tapes of all releases of DB2.
    Now, the CICS Version 4 product provides its own CICS-DB2
    attachment facility.  This new attachment facility is shipped
    on the CICS product tape in order to take better advantage of
    CICS features and enhancements.  It works with all currently
    supported releases of DB2, that is, DB2 2.3 and DB2 3.1.
    If you wish to connect to DB2 from CICS Version 4, you must use
    the new attachment facility, which is shipped with the CICS
    Version 4 product.  DB2's old attachment facility is still
    shipped with the DB2 product in order to continue support for
    CICS Version 2 and Version 3.
    This notice covers the following topics:
    -   Enhancements in the New CICS-DB2 Attachment Facility
         1) The new attachment facility runs above 16M.
         2) The resource control table has a two-byte suffix.
         3) SQL programs can run in PLT initialization after
            DSN2COM0 has been run.
         4) The CICS INITPARM can specify your RCT suffix and DB2
            SSID defaults.
         5) The DSNC STRT command can also specify both RCT suffix
            and SSID override.
         6) Attachment facility traces provide more information.
         7) The new attachment facility has some performance
            benefits over old attachment facility.
         8) You can now easily identify waits for DB2 on CEMT I TAS
            and on DB2 formatted region dumps.
         9) The resource control table provides three new options.
        10) A recovery restriction has been removed
        11) You can use the INQUIRE EXITPROGRAM command to prevent
            AEY9 abends.
    -   How to Use the New CICS-DB2 Attachment Facility
         1) Apply prerequisite apars.
         2) Install DB2.
         3) Set up CICS Version 4 CICS System Definition File (CSD).
         4) Set up CICS Version 4 Initialization JCL.
         5) Use INITPARM instead of DSNCRCTx to select resource
            control table (RCT) suffix.
         6) Change your application programs if they reference
            old attachment facility module names (except DSNCLI,
            DSNCUEXT). Note: DSNCLI in SDFHLOAD instead of SDSNLOAD
         7) Update any program list tables (PLTs) containing
         8) Change any applications which link to DSNCCOMx to start
            or stop the attachment facility.
         9) Use INQUIRE EXITPROGRAM instead of EXTRACT EXIT.
        10) Change trace IDs if explicitly coded in your RCT
        11) Assemble the resource control table.
        12) Use DSNC message explanations for DSN2 messages if you
            have not yet received the DB2 V3 Messages and Codes
    -   New Messages
    The attachment facility that is shipped with CICS Version 4 is
    very much like the old attachment facility that is shipped with
    DB2, except that the CICS Version 4 attachment facility contains
    the following enhancements.
     1)  The CICS-DB2 attachment facility modules and most of their
         control block storage reside above the 16M byte line of
         virtual storage.  This reduces your virtual storage
         constraints.  The attachment facility has also added the
         LINKEDITMODE options to the enable commands, so you may
         now specify TASKDATALOC(ANY) for your application programs
         that use SQL.
     2)  A two-byte resource control table suffix enables you to
         keep more copies of the resource control table and to have
         greater flexibility with your naming conventions.
     3)  You can now run SQL programs in PLT after DSN2COM0 has
         been run.  This was not possible with the old attach.  In
         the old attachment facility, CICS did not complete
         connection to DB2 until CICS had been completely
     4)  The old DSNCRCTx parameter on the CICS initialization JCL
         has been replaced by the CICS INITPARM parameter.  You can
         specify the INITPARM on either the PARM= parameter of the
         EXEC PGM=DFHSIP statement of your initialization JCL, or
         in the SYSIN dataset.  The default resource control table
         suffix is now 00.
     5)  At CICS initialization you can use either the INITPARM or
         the DSNC STRT command to select the resource control table
         suffix and/or the DB2 subsystem ID.  The subsystem ID
         override is new.
         INITPARM - The INITPARM syntax is:
                             |           | |      |     |         |
                             -rct suffix-- -,ssid--     -other-
         For example, if you say INITPARM=(DSN2STRT='aa,bbbb'), you
         will use the resource control table named DSN2CTaa and you
         will connect to DB2 subsystem bbbb, regardless of what
         subsystem is specified in DSN2CTaa.
         Other examples:
         INITPARM=(DSN2STRT='22')     RCT is DSN2CT22, no SSID
         INITPARM=(DSN2STRT=',DSNA')  Use default RCT, connect to
                                      DSNA (In this example the
                                      comma is used because the SSID
                                      is a positional parameter, and
                                      the comma indicates that no
                                      RCT suffix is specified.)
                                      RCT is DSN2CT5, SSID is DSN
                                      (this example includes an
                                      INITPARM for another CICS
         DSNC STRT command:   The syntax of the DSNC STRT command is
         DSNC STRT '------------------------>
                    |           | |      |
                    -rct suffix-- -,ssid--
         The default of the DSNC STRT command has changed to what-
         ever was specified in the INITPARM.  If nothing was
         specified in the INITPARM, the resource control table
         suffix default is 00 and the SSID defaults to whatever is
         specified in the SUBID field of the resource control table.
         DSNC STRT 22           Use DSN2CT22, SSID in INITPARM.
                                (If no SSID was specified in
                                INITPARM, use the SUBID in DSN2CT22)
         DSNC STRT ,DB2A        Use INITPARM RCT suffix, connect to
                                DB2A (As with the INITPARM, the
                                comma is used as a placeholder to
                                indicate that no RCT suffix is
                                specified on the command).
     6)  The EXEC CICS ENTER TRACEID commands in CICS have been
         replaced with CICS system trace.
         -  EXEC CICS ENTER TRACEID has a long pathlength, and
            the CICS system trace improves upon that.
         -  Previously you had to have both the master trace flag
            on and the user trace flag on to get a CICS attach
            trace.  Now you only have to set on the file control
            trace flag.  You can do this by accessing the
            "components" option in the CICS CETR transaction, and
            setting the "FC" flag to 1 or 2.
         -  Trace contains more data, including the addresses of
            the DSN2LOT, DSN2SUB and DSN2CCT control blocks.
            Exception traces and level 2 traces contain the entire
            DSN2LOT control block.
     7)  Other pathlength improvements include
         a) redesign of the timer mechanism which purges threads
         b) a performance improvement for CICS POST
         c) replacement of CICS WAIT EXTERNAL by the CICS XPI
    8) WAIT_MVS not only provides a shorter pathlength, it helps you
       identify DB2 waits, too.  Both CEMT INQUIRE TASK and CICS
       formatted region dumps will indicate a task that is waiting
       to return from DB2.
         The example below shows the output of a CEMT INQUIRE TASK
         |  INQUIRE TASK                                           |
         |  STATUS:  RESULTS - OVERTYPE TO MODIFY                  |
         |   Tas(0000151) Tra(DSNC)           Sus Tas Pri( 255 )   |
         | ? Tas(0000161) Tra(XC05) Fac(1303) Sus Ter Pri( 001 )   |
         |   Tas(0000162) Tra(CEMT) Fac(1302) Run Ter Pri( 255 )   |
         |                                                         |
         |                                                         |
         When you put a question mark (?) next to a specific task
         and then press enter, the CEMT output shows more detail
         about the task.  In this example, it shows that task 161 is
         waiting to return from DB2:
         |  INQUIRE TASK                                           |
         |  SYNTAX OF SET COMMAND                                  |
         |   Tas(0000161) Tra(XC05) Fac(1303) Sus Ter Pri( 001 )   |
         |      Hty(DB2     ) Hva(CLOTECB ) Hti(000018) Sta(TO)    |
         |      Use(SYSADM  ) Rec(X'A8B5FE112D54CA85')             |
         |   CEMT  Set TAsk() | < All >                            |
         |    < PRiority() >                                       |
         |    < PUrge | FOrcepurge >                               |
         |                                                         |
         |                                                         |
         A CICS formatted region dump also displays similar
         information when a task is waiting to return from DB2.  The
         next example shows some of the columns from the dispatcher
         domain section of a CICS 4.1 formatted region dump.  The
         task with a KE_TASK of 02BA9080 shows a "resource type" of
         DB2 and has a "resource name" of CLOTECB.  CLOTECB is the
         name of the ECB that the task is waiting on.
      Normal formatting would display these columns on one line but
      due the more restrictive formatting in APARs the lines have
      been split to fit.
                          RESOURCE   RESOURCE ST   TIME OF
                          TYPE       NAME          SUSPEND
         00020003 029D7C80 SY SUS N OK -
                          TIEXPIRY   DS_NUDGE SUSP 18:50:29.591
         000C0005 029CAC80 SY SUS N OK -
                                              SUSP 18:11:22.030
         000E0005 02B99080 SY SUS N OK -
                          JCJOURDS   DFHJ01A  SUSP 18:39:39.377
         00120007 02B99780 SY SUS N OK -
                          KCCOMPAT   SINGLE   OLDW 17:02:12.991
         00160005 02B99B00 SY SUS N OK -
                          JCTERMN    SUBTASK  OLDW 17:01:56.319
         00180003 029CA580 SY SUS N OK -
                          ICMIDNTE   DFHAPTIM SUSP 08:00:00.521
         001A0003 029CA200 SY SUS N OK -
                          TCP_NORM   DFHZDSP  OLDW 18:51:27.852
         001C0003 03F03900 SY SUS N OK -
                          ICEXPIRY   DFHAPTIX SUSP 18:50:29.591
         008A0005 02B92080 SY SUS N OK -
                          JCJOURDS   DFHJ02A  SUSP 17:02:04.879
         008E0001 02B13080 SY SUS N OK
                          IN SMSYSTEM         SUSP 18:47:49.156
         0102006F 02BA9080 NS SUS Y OK -
                          DB2        CLOTECB  MVS  18:51:22.958
         01040031 02BA9780 NS RUN
         01060009 02B13B00 NS SUS Y OK -
                                              MVS  18:50:29.591
     9)  Three new resource control table parameters are available:
         TXIDSO, PLANI, and PURGEC.  The new TXIDSO and PURGEC RCT
         parameters belong on the TYPE=INIT form of the RCT macro.
         TXIDSO Resource Control Table Option -
           The TXIDSO resource control table option allows
           suppression of some signons during thread reuse, and
           therefore prevents extraneous accounting records from
           being written.
           With the default of TXIDSO=YES, the attachment facility
           determines whether a new transaction may reuse an
           existing thread in this way:
           - If the plan name, authorization ID, and transaction ID
             are the same as the last transaction that used the
             thread, and if TOKENE is set to NO, then the
             transaction reuses the thread without any signon.
           - If the plan name is the same as that of the
             transaction that last used the thread, and
             - the authid has changed, or
             - TOKENE is YES, or
             - the transaction id has changed
             then the thread is reused following a signon.
           - If the plan name has changed, the thread is terminated
             and re-created.
    continued in II07633......

Local fix

Problem summary

Problem conclusion

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


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  • Reported release


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  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

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Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":null,"label":null},"Product":{"code":"SG19O","label":"APARs - MVS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"001","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPEK","label":"Db2 for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"001","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 December 2020