IBM Support

Determine if a jobstream was carried forward

Question & Answer


Considering that there are no events related to carry forwards, how can you determine if a schedule was carried forward even if the enLegacyId global optioin is set to NO?


Need to identify scheduling objects that have carried forward from one plan to the next.


To determine if a jobstream (and it's jobs) have been carried forward, the following characteristics can be queried.

1. In the Tivoli Dynamic Workload Console (TDWC) the "Monitor Job Streams" task has an "Information" column with "Carried Forward".

2. There is a specific characteristic that can be seen in the output of 'conman ss' that correlates to the "Information" column in TDWC. If there is a date displayed with the schedule row within curly brackets
{} or within square brackets [] (if defined with the CARRYFORWARD option) it means that the schedule was carried forward.

For example:

*** Output with no objects that were carried forward:

conman "ss"
Workstation Job Stream SchedTime State Pr Start Elapse # OK Lim
RH525M #SLEEP 0600 02/28 READY 10 ( 0:09) 5 0
RH525M #FINAL 0559 03/01 READY 10 ( 0:06) 5 0 [Carry]; <02/28
RH525M #SPMR 0600 02/28 READY 10 ( 0:03) 10 0 [Carry]

After running JnextPlan:

*** Output with objects that have been carried forward:

conman "ss"
Workstation Job Stream SchedTime State Pr Start Elapse # OK Lim
RH525M #SLEEP 0600 02/28 READY 10 ( 0:09) 5 0 {03/07/14}
RH525M #FINAL 0559 03/01 READY 10 ( 0:06) 5 0 [03/07/14]; [Late]; <02/28
RH525M #SPMR 0600 02/28 READY 10 ( 0:03) 10 0 [03/07/14]
RH525M #SLEEP 0600 03/01 READY 10 ( 0:09) 5 0
RH525M #FINAL 0559 03/02 READY 10 ( 0:06) 5 0 [Carry]; <03/01
RH525M #SPMR 0600 03/01 READY 10 ( 0:03) 10 0 [Carry]

NOTE: The Job Stream "SLEEP" was carried forward even without the CARRYFORWARD keyword specified in it's definition. SLEEP has curly brackets around the date.

NOTE: Job Streams FINAL and SPMR have the CARRYFORWARD keyword specified in their respective schedule definitions. They have square brackets around the date.

If you plan to script a solution, here is a "for" loop that will use the output of 'conman ss' as input for 'conman sj' command that will list only the jobstream contents that were carried forward.

for sched in `conman "ss @#@;showid" 2>/dev/null | grep "[{,[][0-1][0-9]\/[0-3][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9][],}]" | sed -e "s/\([^ ]*\).*[{]\([0-9,A-Z\]\{16\}\)[}].*$/\1\#\2\;schedid/g"`
conman "ss $sched" >> carriedScheds.out 2>/dev/null
conman "sj $sched" >> carriedJobs.out 2>/dev/null

[{"Product":{"code":"SSGSPN","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"8.4;8.5;8.5.1;8.6;9.1;9.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

