IBM Support

Conditional user interface in Maximo Asset Configuration Manager

Question & Answer


What conditional user interface features are provided in IBM® Maximo® Asset Configuration Manager?


Maximo Asset Configuration Manager implements conditional user interface (UI) features in some applications. That is, some fields and other user interface controls are displayed only if specific conditions are met. This function is called Conditional UI.


Products installed on Tivoli process automation engine use metadata to control the visibility and use of controls (elements of the user interface) that are used in each product applications, based on conditions relevant to the use of the control. The metadata is stored in the APPLICATIONAUTH table of IBM Maximo Asset Management database.

The metadata is configured for the security group that contains all users. This group name is specified in the Group for All Users option of the Security Controls section, under the Users or Security Groups application. Do not delete this group or remove members from it; the user interface will not work properly for a user that is not a member of this group. You can add your own configurations to this group in order to implement new conditions. Do not remove configurations supplied with the product.

For more information about Conditional UI, refer to IBM Maximo Asset Management Developing Applications guide.

The following tables describe the conditional UI features in Maximo Asset Configuration Manager version 7.5 applications:

Assets (CM) application:

Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
LINEARASSETBMXAALINRMain tabDisplay the linear-related fields in the UI based on the condition that is associated with this SigOption.
REPFACILITYBMXREPFACMain tab: Details sectionDisplay the repair facilities fields based on the condition that is associated with this SIGOPTION
VIEWAFSHISBMXAALINRView feature history windowView feature history.
WMLINEARBMXAAWMLINRFilter by linear assets windowDisplay the linear-related fields in UI based on the condition that is associated with this SigOption

Models (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
HIDDENMELTABPLUSAMELTRUEMEL tabHide the MEL tab in the Models (CM) application.

Inventory (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
ASSETCOSTASSETCOSTMain tab: Asset cost table“Asset” cost type
BALLIFOFIFOBALLIFOFIFOMain tab: Inventory balance tableDisplay the unit cost and cost date for the “LIFO/FIFO” cost type in the Inventory balance table.
HIDDENTABLECMITEMTRUEMain tab: CM items tableHide the CM item table
LIFOFIFOCOSTLIFOFIFOCOSTMain tab: Inventory LIFO/FIFO costs tableDisplay the “LIFO/FIFO” cost type.
STDAVGSTDAVGMain tab: Inventory costs table“Standard” or “Average” cost type

Item Master (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
CONSIGNMENTCONSIGNMENTAdd items to storeroom window: Storeroom information tableDisplay consignment details.
NOTASSETCOSTNOTASSETCOSTAdd items to storeroom window: Storeroom information tableDisplay the unit cost if cost type is not “Asset”.
STDAVGSTDAVGN/A“Standard” or “Average” cost type

Flight Log Book (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
HIDDENMUNTABFLBPLUSAMUNREQ2N/AUsed by the application to hide the Munitions tab if Munitions Required is false in the related Flight Log Book Setup record.
Conditionally displays a deferred discrepancy
Conditionally displays the Discrepancy RII Inspection field if RII is true.
Hides the aircraft status symbol.

Flight Log Book Setup (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
HIDDENMUNTABPLUSAMUNREQN/AUsed by the application to hide the Munitions tab when Munitions Required is false.

Log Books (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
DISPLAYMELBLKPLUSALMELBLKMain tab, main sectionDisplay the minimum equipment list (MEL) black text in the Logs (CM) application.
DISPLAYMELREDPLUSALMELREDMain tab, main sectionDisplay the minimum equipment list (MEL) red text in the Logs (CM) application.

Master PM (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
METERFREQVARFPLUSAMBFIFMeter-based frequency tabDisplay the meter-based frequency iterations fields in the Master PM (CM) application.
METERFREQVARTPLUSAMBFITMeter-based frequency tabDisplay the meter-based frequency iterations fields in the Master PM (CM) application.
DISPLAYMPMEXTPLUSAMPMEXTMaster PM tabDisplay the Preventive maintenance extension field in the Master PM (CM) application.
DISPLAYMPMSETPLUSAMPMSEXTMeter-based frequency tab: Meter-based frequency tableDisplay the Preventive maintenance extension field in the master preventive maintenance (PM) meter.
TIMEFREQVARFPLUSATBFIFTime-based frequency tabDisplay the time-based frequency iterations fields in the Master PM (CM) application.
TIMEFREQVARTPLUSATBFITTime-based frequency tab: Time-based frequency iterations tableDisplay the time-based frequency iterations fields in the Master PM (CM) application.

Preventive Maintenance (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
METERFREQVARFPLUSAMBFIFN/ADisplay the meter-based frequency iterations fields in the Preventive Maintenance (CM) application.
METERFREQVARTPLUSAMBFITMeter-based frequency tab: Meter-based frequency tableDisplay the meter-based frequency iterations fields in the Preventive Maintenance (CM) application.
REPFACILITYBMXREPFACGenerate work orders windowDisplay the repair facilities fields based on the condition that is associated with this SIGOPTION.
DISPLAYPMEXTPLUSAPMEXTMain tabDisplay the Preventive maintenance extension field in the Preventive Maintenance (CM) application.
DISPLAYPMJPCHPLUSAPMJPCHJob plan sequence tab: Job plan sequence tableDisplay the PM job plan may be changed field
DISPLAYPMSETPLUSAPMSEXTMeter-based frequency tab: Meter-based frequency tableDisplay the Preventive maintenance extension field in the PM meter.
TIMEFREQVARFPLUSATBFIFTime-based frequency tabDisplay the time-based frequency iterations fields in the Preventive Maintenance (CM) application.
TIMEFREQVARTPLUSATBFITTime-based frequency tabDisplay the time-based frequency iterations fields in the Preventive Maintenance (CM) application.
WMLINEARBMXAAWMLINRMain tab: Details sectionLinear work management

Purchase Orders (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
HIDDENCAPABPOPOLIITTRUETerms and conditions tabHide the Capabilities table
HIDDENFIELDSPOCMITTRUEPO lines tab: PO lines tableHide the configuration-managed (CM) items related fields.
INTERNALPOINTERNALPOPO lines tab: PO lines tableSIGOPTION to display/hide the restype field for internal purchase orders (PO).
MEMOABOVESTATUSBMXABOVESTSChange status windowMemo field in the Change status window
MEMOBELOWSTATUSBMXBELOWSTSChange status windowMemo field in the Change status window

Purchase Requisitions (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
HIDDENCAPABPRPRLIITTRUETerms and conditions tableHide the Capabilities table
HIDDENFIELDSPRCMITTRUEPR lines tab: PR lines tableHide the CM items related fields.
INTERNALPRINTERNALPRPR Lines tab: PR lines tableSIGOPTION to display/hide the restype field for internal purchase requisitions (PR).
MEMOABOVESTATUSBMXABOVESTSChange status windowMemo field in the Change status window.
MEMOBELOWSTATUSBMXBELOWSTSChange status windowMemo field in the Change status window.

Receiving (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
HIDDENFIELDSRCRCCMITTRUEMaterial receipts tab: Material receipts tableHide the CM items related fields.

Request for Quotations (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
HIDDENCAPABRFQRFQLIITTRUETerms and conditions tabHide the Capabilities table
HIDDENFIELDSRFQCMITTRUERFQ lines tab: RFQ lines tableHide the CM items related fields.
MEMOABOVESTATUSBMXABOVESTSChange status windowMemo field in the Change status window.
MEMOBELOWSTATUSBMXBELOWSTSChange status windowMemo field in the Change status window.

Security Groups (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
REPFACILITYBMXREPFACRepair facilities tabDisplay the repair facilities fields based on the condition that is associated with this SIGOPTION.

Work Order Tracking (CM) application:
Option NameConditionPositionDescription/Comments
HDSCHDSCHDINSTMain tab: Work details sectionHide the scheduler fields.
LINRPROGBMXLINRPROGMain tabLinear progress table
MEMOABOVESTATUSBMXABOVESTSN/AMemo field in the Change status window.
MEMOBELOWSTATUSBMXBELOWSTSN/AMemo field in the Change status window.
REPFACILITYBMXREPFACMain tabDisplay the repair facilities fields based on the condition that is associated with this SIGOPTION.
DISPLAYMELBLKPLUSALMELBLKMain tabDisplay the MEL black text in the Work Order Tracking (CM) application.
DISPLAYMELREDPLUSALMELREDMain tabDisplay the MEL red text in the Work Order Tracking (CM) application.
WMLINEARBMXAAWMLINRMain tabLinear work management

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKSJ","label":"Maximo Asset Configuration Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Component":" ","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

