IBM Support

Downloading IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2



This page describes how to download IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2

Download Description

IBM® SPSS® Modeler 18.2 is a powerful, versatile data mining workbench that helps you build accurate predictive models quickly and intuitively, without programming.


With it you can discover patterns and trends in structured or unstructured data more easily, using a unique visual interface supported by advanced analytics. From these you can model outcomes and understand what factors influence them so you can take advantage of opportunities and mitigate risks.

Complete user documentation for IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2 is available in the IBM SPSS Modeler Knowledge Center.

IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2 Release Notes

Note: Visual Studio 2015 is supported for Modeler Solution Publisher.

Downloading and installing the product

Downloading the product from Passport Advantage (click to expand)

To download a product, go to the IBM Passport Advantage® Web Site and then:
  1. If you are a returning customer, sign in. If you are a new customer, register.
  2. If the Software download & media access window appears, click I agree.
  3. In the Find downloads & media window, click Download finder.
  4. Under Download finder, select the download you want, and click Continue.
  5. Under Select criteria, select a language and one or more platforms.
  6. Under Download options, select the options you want, and click Continue.
  7. Under Review “Current version” downloads, expand Current version and under Description, select the download you want, expand it and select the items you want.
  8. If applicable, under Select optional downloads, expand and select the items you want.
  9. Under Review downloading specifics, update the Download method or the Download location, if you want, and then click I agree, and click Download now.
  10. In the Initial Setup dialog, change the Default download location, if you want.
  11. If you are prompted, click OK to create the directory where you want the downloaded items to be stored.
  12. Click OK to begin the download.

When the download has finished, "Download complete" appears in the Download Director dialog.

Assembling the product

  1. Download all of the parts that you need, both required and optional.
  2. Unpack each of the parts into a single temporary directory on your system.
  3. Follow the installation instructions provided in the download to install the product.

As an alternative to downloading, unpacking, and installing the eImages; if you want to install IBM SPSS Modeler Gold, and you have the relevant permissions, you can use Installation Manager to install directly from Passport Advantage.

Installing from Passport Advantage (click to expand)

  1. Set your Passport Advantage preferences. See Setting Preferences.
  2. Select the packages you want to install. See Installing Packages. Note that Installation Manager only lists the packages that you are entitled to access.
  3. A wizard is available to help you install the required packages. See Installing packages using the wizard.


System requirements for the product are available from the IBM Software Product Compatibility Site

Installation Instructions

Installation instructions are available in the IBM SPSS Modeler Knowledge Center.

Download Package

Note that the product download above is available on Passport Advantage. Future fix packs for this product will be distributed through Fix Central.

The following table lists all the parts available for IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2.


Part NO.
CNX6RML IBM SPSS Modeler Client 64-bit 18.2 Microsoft Windows Multilingual
CNX6VML IBM SPSS Modeler Client 18.2 Mac OS Multilingual
CNX95ML IBM SPSS Modeler Gold Client Keyless 18.2 Mac OS Multilingual
CNX94ML IBM SPSS Modeler Gold Client Keyless 64-bit 18.2 Microsoft Windows Multilingual
CNX9DML IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2 Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapter 8.2 Linux on System z Multilingual
CNX9BML IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2 Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapter 8.2 Linux x86-64 Multilingual
CNX99ML IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2 Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapter 8.2 Microsoft Windows Multilingual
CNX9CML IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2 Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapter 8.2 Linux on System p LE Multilingual
CNX6SML IBM SPSS Modeler Client Documentation 18.2 Multilingual
CNX76ML IBM SPSS Modeler Server 18.2 Microsoft Windows Multilingual
CNX77ML IBM SPSS Modeler Server Documentation 18.2 Multilingual
CNX75ML IBM SPSS Modeler Batch 18.2 Microsoft Windows Multilingual
CNX7EML IBM SPSS Modeler Server 18.2 Linux x86-64 Multilingual
CNX7DML IBM SPSS Modeler Batch 18.2 Linux x86-64 Multilingual
CNX7MML IBM SPSS Modeler Server 18.2 Linux on z Systems Multilingual
CNX7NML IBM SPSS Modeler Batch 18.2 Linux on z Systems Multilingual
CNX7IML IBM SPSS Modeler Batch 18.2 Linux on System p LE Multilingual
CNX7JML IBM SPSS Modeler Server 18.2 Linux on System p LE Multilingual
CNX7FML IBM SPSS Modeler Server Scoring Adapter 18.2 for Netezza Multiplatform Multilingual
CNX7GML IBM SPSS Modeler Server Scoring Adapter 18.2 for Teradata Multiplatform Multilingual
CNX7BML IBM SPSS Modeler Server Scoring Adapter 18.2 for Db2 Multiplatform Multilingual
CNX6ZML IBM SPSS Modeler Client Premium 64-bit 18.2 Microsoft Windows Multilingual
CNX70ML IBM SPSS Modeler Client Premium 18.2 Mac OS Multilingual
CNX7RML IBM SPSS Modeler Server Premium Documentation 18.2 Multilingual
CNX7QML IBM SPSS Modeler Server Premium 18.2 Microsoft Windows Multilingual
CNX7TML IBM SPSS Modeler Server Premium 18.2 Linux x86-64 Multilingual
CNX7VML IBM SPSS Modeler Server Premium 18.2 Linux on z Systems Multilingual
CNX7UML IBM SPSS Modeler Server Premium 18.2 Linux on System p LE Multilingual
CNX6XML IBM SPSS Modeler Client Premium Documentation 18.2 Multilingual
CNX8HML IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Server 8.2 Multiplatform Multilingual
CNX78ML IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Deployment Manager 8.2 Multiplatform Multilingual
CNKK9EN IBM Data Access Pack 7.1.2 Multiplatform English

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS3RA7","label":"IBM SPSS Modeler"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF022","label":"OS X"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"18.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 December 2018

